Home > News > Official Announcement - Dhul Hijjah and Eid ul Adha 2018

Official Announcement - Dhul Hijjah and Eid ul Adha 2018

Posted on: 14 August 2018


Following confirmation of a positive moon sighting on Sunday (12th) evening, the month of Dhul Hijjah commenced on Monday 13th August 2018 and Eid ul Adha will be on Wednesday 22nd August inshaaAllah.

We will also be providing Jamah for members of our congregation who follow the Saudi calendar, and will be celebrating Eid a day earlier on Tuesday 21st August.

Please note the timings as below:-

Tuesday 21st August
1st Jamah: 8am
2nd Jamah: 9.30am

Wednesday 22nd August
Jamah: 9am

Please arrive early for your chosen Jamah and ensure you park in an appropriate place without causing inconvenience to others.

JazakAllah Khair