Event 16th December : Muhammad (PBUH) : Veneration of the Best of Creation
Event : Muhammad (PBUH) : Veneration of the Best of Creation
It is an honour for us to host Shaykh Burhaan Khandia, Hafiz Gul Muhammad al-Azhari and Hafiz Ahsan alongside Sidi Mikhaael Mala for our gathering commemorating the beloved (PBUH).
In addition to our guests, there will be performances from students of Bashir Ahmed Madrassah so please attend to show your support and encouragement.
The event will take place on Sunday the 16th of December 2018 at Bashir Ahmed Masjid in Southampton. Mark this date in your diaries now! It is an event not to be missed.
Food will be served.
Borthers and sisters welcome.
From Maghrib (4:03 pm) - Isha (7 pm)